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Lincoln Johnny Lightning Race Club

August 11th 2024 Race Results

4 Lane Track

. Kids Division- Noah (Hot Wheels) Dieselboy (Blue).

. Rip and Race- Ray Baek (Hot Wheels) 95 Mazda RX-7 (White/Green) Project M.
. A Stock- Jeremy Lamb (Hot Wheels) Jaguar XJ220 (Blue with Gold lace wheels).

. Feature Race- Ray Baek (EV Car Race) (Hot Wheels) Silverado EV RST (Blue).

. Charity Class- Ray Baek (Fantasy Cars) (Hot Wheels) Dairy Delivery.

2 Lane Track

. Stock Eliminator- (Matchbox) Brenden Palmquist 56 Ford Pickup (Maine).

. Hot Wheels Stock- Ray Baek Pontiac Firebird F/C Fossil Fuel (Grey).

. FTE/High Speed Wheels- Brenden Palmquist Nerve Hammer (Red).

. NASCAR Class- Jeremy Lamb Ford #7 QVC.

. Johnny Lightning Stock- Ray Baek Ford Van (Black with Flames).

Racer Of The Month- Ray Baek 5 wins.