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December 10th 2023 Race Results – Lincoln Johnny Lightning Race Club

4 lane track

Kids Division- Enzo C. (Hot Wheels) Custom 62 Chevy Pickup Truck (Black with purple flames).
Rip and Race- Alana Baek (Hot Wheels) Alfa Romeo GTV6 3.0 (Red).
A Stock- Dave Houle (Hot Wheels) Firebird (Gold)
FTE/High Speed Wheels- Jaxon Kilduff Trim Trk.
Feature Race- (Hot Wheels Holiday Car Race) Owen Rutherford (Hot Wheels) Lancer Mitsubishi (Red).

2 lane track

Hot Wheels Stock- Mason Wright King Kenny Bernstein F/C with pro circuit wheels.
Stock Eliminator- Cameron Daly (Mattel) Fast and Furious Mustang (white with black stripes).
NASCAR Class- Logan Ruszczyk (Hot Wheels) #8 Circuit City Ford Thunderbird.
Johnny Lightning Stock- Cameron Daly Coke Cola Studebaker Pickup Truck (White Lightning).